Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Hanging out.

I had been bought a pair of underpants, trendy underpants compared to my Primark briefs, these came as snug shorts with a wide waistband, the sort of waistband that is supposed to be emblazoned with a designer name so that people can marvel at the stupidity of spending that much on a pair of shreddies. Mine are emblazoned with "LETS GO COMMANDO", I won't comment on the lack of apostrophe, I'm assuming it's nothing to do with renting, even though that draws up a whole new raft of puns, so lets go contextual.
To "Go Commando" means to go without underwear, so now we have a conundrum, do the manufacturers wish us not to wear their product, in which case what shall we do with them, is it perhaps a singnifier to a potential or existing partner, or is it a comment on the quality of the nethergarment, (you might as well go commando as wear these)?
Who knows, anyway they're nice on a frosty morning, though one of the seams is going so the waistband may become a self-fulfilling prophecy!
Now I'm looking for a post where I can get the phrase, "as scary as forgetting that you'd had a lot of beetroot the day before" in, before I forget it.

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