Friday, March 08, 2019

Courting trouble

Today is International Women's Day (IWD, only a v away from a contraceptive device, what irony? I was going to go on about patriarchal imposition and phallocentric  irresponsibility, but I thought better of it).
What better way to celebrate IWD than by making a lemon meringue pie?
"Wha...?" I hear you expostulate, let me explain:-

Lemon meringue pie (LMP) was one of my favourites when I was little, well, smaller, the best LMP was made by my mother's Auntie May (whose recipe I appear to have lost), and it would be this recipe that Mum would use. She detested making LMP as it takes time, patience ... and luck, and would then inevitably be declared as "Not as good as Auntie May's", so why did she bother? Because she loved me, and would selflessly grate, squeeze, shell, whip and stir to deliver the goods (and cos it was a lot nicer than Steve's favourite Queen of Puddings".

So then, I celebrate IWD with LMP to remind me of the selflessness of my mother,  a woman, and to get rid of the inordinate amount of lemons I got on the market the other day.